Join us at Mukilteo’s 92nd Street Park
for our all-outdoor
Nature Based Adventure Camps!

To register, email us to get on the list, print the form and
send it to us at: [email protected],
or mail/drop off at MIA 3616 South Rd. Ste A1 Mukilteo.

Camp fees are due at registration and can be paid by cash/check or card. No refunds or makeup days.

Every day is an Outdoor Adventure! Explore and learn about flora and fauna in our area. Expect to get dirty! You will adventure through nearby outdoor spaces, learn about different habitats, climb stumps and logs, hike trails, make mud pies, dig in the dirt and sand, examine specimen from the creek and Sound, spot insects and other flying and crawling animals, hug a tree and bask in the sun (and rain). Experience hands-on lessons, learn new skills, stories, activities, science, and free exploration!